Picture Poems and other writing and poetry and art from Adelaide, South Australia (July - August) by Terrell Neuage (New York September - June each year) - Australian gifts, Australian art, Adelaide artist, Australian Poetry (restlessdancer products)

These picture poems are available at $20 including postage and handling from tneuage@gmail.com

See Leigh I am still putting my picture poems on the Internet Leigh Neuage (July 6 1983 - August 16 2003)



3-billion women

Children Never Grow Old

A better me

A better me

Behind every thought


Beneath the sea

Children playing


I was born this way

Darkside of the Moon

Man at the station

Each time I dream

Saw an angel

Every scent

Snowmen Dance

Exotic places on your body

Why we were born with boots on

Halfway to where we were going

Held on to me

Holding hands

Holes in time

I am you

I bet on a race that bore your name

I danced with you in my dream last night

I got caught

I laugh in French

I loved you once

If you teach me passion

In the lobby

Laughing at the busstop

Meadows of rain

My hunger for you

My Kiss

My queen

My Skin

Once upon a time a long time ago

Our Wedding Dress


Patterns on my SKIN



Reservations on forever




Snowfall freezes the feet


Strangers on the Moon




The castle I was building for you


Use to dream in black and white


Waking with you


We are the same as so long ago


We got lost in the tunnels


When I dance on your roof at midnight


When I dance on your rooftop


When you cling onto me


When your kisses began to rain


Where your kisses meet my dreams


Windows open


Words words words


You are the predicted high


You came so fast


You took my love


Your love


Your Music


Your nails





  1. 1. I threw away my umbrella
  2. 2.        As far as the song we sing
  3. 3.        Tree - the story
  4. 4.        Pick a dream and stay awake in it




contact Myanmar 2014

Blog updated 28 August 2014  K - 12 technology (updated February 04, 2014). Travel Site (2014) updated 04 August 2014. Videos/Blogs on Youtube, Twitter, Wordpress, Photo albums. Updated 15 Second Street, Round Lake, New York and photos from parent's 1943 wedding as well as Leigh's page. Farmville page updated Thursday, March 17, 2011 5:58 PM. neuage.org updated 04 August 2014 10:31 PM     neuage.us updated 04 August 2014 7:21 PM.    Resume updated 04 August 2014    

Technology Coordinator and Computer Teacher at Dalian American International School, 2 Dianchi Road, Golden Pebble Beach, Dealian Development Area 116650 P.R. China        

Blog updatedIntegrating Technology Blog 28 August 2014.  also: terrell.neuage.us and/or neuage.me

NEW SITE = JULY 2014 - http://neuage.us/2014/July/ - Today working on picture poem links starting around "better" (28 August 2014). Picture poems are the digital format of work I did as a street artist in New Orleans in the 1970s, as well as New York City, Honolulu, San Francisco and Adelaide South Australia.

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Picture Poems and other writing and poetry and art from Adelaide, South Australia (July - August) by Terrell Neuage (New York September - June each year) - Australian gifts, Australian art, Adelaide artist, Australian Poetry (restlessdancer products)